top: f21 // blazer: self-made // skirt: self-made // shoes: Seychelles
I’m going to make a confession. My recent desire to delve into the world of blazer-making can totally be blamed on a New Girl episode. I’m really not expecting anyone to be surprised. There’s an episode where she goes shopping for weird starfish lingerie and wears a gorgeous bright blue blazer with turquoise lining and zippered pockets and my lusty heart was lusty.
I looked at some screen caps and eventually decided that a blazer is a blazer (well, to a beginner anyway), and bought B4610. I used View A, but left off the pockets.
Since this was my first foray into the world of super fitted semi-professional attire, I made exactly zero pattern adjustments. Except for the part at the end where I had no idea how to close the whole thing up and ended up improvising and handstitching almost everything. I kind of feel like that wasn’t supposed to happen.
Oh well, I’m mostly happy with how it turned out!
For the record, I had every intention of putting the zippers in, but the only black and silver zippers I could find were black and gold and far too heavy and I was afraid they would pull too much at the fabric and look funny. Also I was lazy.
And yes, I briefly considered wearing white lace panties on my head as an accessory. I do value authenticity when it comes to costume replicating.