Category Archives: outfit

A is for Another Archer And An Aidez

Aidez + Archer

Aidez + Archer

Aidez + Archer

Aidez + Archer

Aidez + Archer

Aidez + Archer

Aidez + Archer
shirt: self-made, pattern here // sweater: self-made, pattern here // leggings: self-made, pattern here // glasses: Bonlook // necklace: Modcloth

Today’s post is a two-for-one!

This sweater is one I made aaages ago and sort of forgot about it. It was pre-dSLR and pre-knowing-anything-about-how-to-photograph, and apparently before I had learned that taking outfit photos in a dark room with the shutters closed isn’t terribly effective. Anyway, you can find all the sweater info in this post. I’ve been thinking of making another one and I’m thinking maybe a dark red.

Next up, my latest Archer! Funny story about this one. I was perusing an online thrift shop and they had a ballerina pink silk button-up top from JCrew that was absolutely gorgeous and I needed it. Except my bank account started crying and then I remembered that I had just inexplicably without a project in mind purchased rayon challis in the perfect color and was also itching to make another Archer.

Let’s just say this one was not nearly as fun as the other ones. I always get distracted by how soft and pretty rayon challis is and forget what a bitch it is to sew with. Let’s just say it’s a damn miracle the shirt got made, and we’ll be rolling up the cuffs on this one. It’s a tiny bit embarrassing. I was able to French seam this one though, and I love that every little seam is neat and hidden.

In other news, last week I decided not to do Christmas knits this year. Yesterday I realized that I came to the same conclusion last year and then was overwhelmed by guilt the week before Christmas and ended up spending a full week knitting nonstop. SO I ended up buying yarn for ten people’s presents to get started early. I may have also bought yarn for three presents for myself. (How did that happen?) I feel so accomplished except that technically I haven’t even started yet. Yikes. Christmas knitting really needs to be started in May.

PS Epic apologies for taking ten years to respond to comments. I absolutely love hearing from you guise and I got totally sidetracked this last week due to life and things. 

PPS I am in a very silly mood today. I think maybe I had too much caffeine..

Cecile’s cousin

Cecile dress copycat

Cecile dress copycat

Cecile dress copycat

Cecile dress copycat

Cecile dress copycat

Cecile dress copycat

Cecile dress copycatdress: self-made, based on this lovely number // tights: F21 // shoes: Chelsea Crew 

When Dear Creatures’ new Autumn 2013 line came out, I nearly squeed my pants off. You may have witnessed my mad pinning session if you follow me over there. Shocking, I know. Pretty much half of it went on my to-sew list (and the other half went on my presents-to-myself list). First on the to-sew list was the Cecile dress.

When I saw this dress, something sort of nagged at the back of my mind. It seemed familiar maybe? I dug through my pile of patterns and then felt pretty stupid because it was almost identical to Burda 7309, which is one of my go-to patterns. I hadn’t realized it at first because I’d never actually made the skirt before!

I made no alterations to the bodice, but switched out the sleeves for a lengthened version of Burda 7739. For the skirt, I cut and marked most of the pattern as drafted, but added about an extra inch on either side to create darts to line up with the bodice darts. I think the back already had darts so I just cut and sewed those as indicated.

Once everything was more or less put together, I started hand-stitching the trim. I debated how to do it, and tried several things before finding something I liked the effect of. First I tried satin ribbon, but didn’t like how shiny it was. Then I tried the back of the ribbon but I still wasn’t sold on the color. I thought about making bias tape and using that but then decided that making three yards of bias tape didn’t actually sound all that fun. Plus, I couldn’t find the right shade and texture of fabric for it anyway. Finally I meandered over to Sarah’s shop, beaten and broken (hah — just kidding) and she saved the day with some amazingly smooshy ribbon that I can’t for the life of me remember the name of. It’s like grosgrain but made of rayon (I think?) and suuper soft. I may have spent about ten minutes petting it before I actually started sewing it on.

Anyway, yay! I think the dress fabric is mostly wool so it’s super warm and only a tiny bit itchy. I’ve been wearing it with a long tank top underneath and it’s been totally warm and comfy now that it’s suddenly freezing.

Solid skaters

Lady skater

Lady skater

Lady skater

Lady skater

Lady skater

Lady skater

Hey guys. Ever meet a pattern that was just so elegant in its simplicity and versatility that you wanted to just scoop it up by the pattern sleeve and run off into the sunset and have little garment babies with it? That’s kind of how I feel about Kitschy Coo’s Lady Skater pattern.

There were several things that led to my buying this pattern. 1) Cirque du Bebe’s absolutely effortlessly gorgeous version, 2) her post on prints vs solids which made me realize I had the exact problem which was making getting dressed in the morning take three times longer than it really should. Yikes.

Basically this pattern is awesome. I went to the fabric store with the express goal of walking back out with solid knits in scrumptious easy-to-match fall colors. The navy was an obvious choice, and I also found a gorgeous light grey-ish brown that was on sale and just screaming to come home with me. It was weird realizing that my comfort zone of wearable colors is totally different from the colors/prints I gravitate toward for sewing purposes.

The brown was a thinner knit and probably worked better for the drape of the dress. The navy was a little thicker and while it will be great for colder weather, I’m convinced the skirt sits a little funny. I used the smallest size and made zero adjustments (other than shortening the navy skirt by an inch) and the fit was perfect (although maybe a tiiiny bit too tight but probably not a whole size). Yay for knits!

I’m a little bummed that it’s still 80 degrees during the daytime and definitely not cool enough to actually wear these dresses yet. Taking these photos was pretty miserable.

Anyway, I could love on this pattern all day but school just started back up again so I should probably go do more productive things. The moral of the story is that I need to sew more solids.

Datura #6

Datura #6

Datura #6

Datura #6

Datura #6

Datura #6

I was perfectly serious when I said I’d made six Daturas. This is the latest one (I don’t think I’ve shared #’s 3 or 4 yet) and it might be my new favorite.

I have absolutely no idea what this fabric is. It’s cottony and flowy like a rayon challis but the weave is a little more open. It’s just as soft though, and so comfy to wear. I tried pairing it with a paper bag skirt, hoping the ruffling around the waist would help with the awkward tucked-in-ness. I’m not totally convinced.

Happy Friday everyone!


That’s all there is; there isn’t anymore.

Madeline top

Madeline top

Madeline top

Madeline top

Madeline top

Did anyone else read the Madeline books growing up? I used to love the idea of going to a boarding school and wearing a cute little uniform with a cute little yellow hat and having sleepovers every night with all my friends. (Clearly I had a very clear and not at all superficial concept of what boarding school was like.) In fact, thinking back now, I think reading Madeline may have paved the way for my obsession with A Little Princess.

I saw this top on Modcloth and immediately knew that 1) I had to make it, and 2) I would feel like Madeline every time I wore it.

My first idea was to use the Laurel top pattern with a thicker knit and to add a zipper on the back. That was a terrible idea. Like, awful.

I ended up using a regular knit fabric and just tracing one of my t-shirts that fits well and that worked out much better. The collar was drafted based on Gertie’s tutorial, and I just made a tiny little bow using this tutorial.

I don’t think I’ve shared this skirt yet! I made it the same way as this skirt, which I have completely forgotten to post a tutorial for. Whoops.

Anyway, the moral of the story is that I’m pretty sure this top includes every single garment detail I’m in love with: navy, mustard, a bow, and a huge contrasting Peter Pan collar.