Tag Archives: sweater

I think I’m insane.

Beatnik sweater

No, srsly.

For some reason the other day I decided that I just needed to be working on a fisherman style uber cabley sweater and then I happened to come across this gorgeous pattern and before I knew it I had hopped into my car and was on my way to Joanns for some bright orangey red yarn.

So far I have the ribbing done (has anyone else noticed how excruciatingly boring ribbing is to knit? especially when you’re just itching to get to the main pattern?) and one pattern repeat. It’s actually not as hard as it looks, there are just fourteen different cables to keep track of. BUT I printed the chart out and color-coded it and so far so good.

-fingers crossed-

In other news, I got a job! Yay for has-ing of the monies. Boo for less happy fun knitting times.


Applications for graduate school are due tomorrow –most of them anyway. This has, of course, resulted in a lot of stress which has in turn led to a lot of knitting breaks to maintain a certain level of sanity.

And so I present you with a progress photo.


I’ve got the ribbing done on the other sleeve. If I finish this today (and by “if” I mean “when”), I’ll have made 2.89 sweaters in three weeks. I think I have problems.

Andd here’s one of me wearing my cabled Hermione hat. I ended up adding some elastic to the ribbed part because it was really just too loose. Now it’s slightly too tight. Might have to adjust the elastic so my ears don’t fall asleep.