Tag Archives: sweater

Photo Heavy

Andd here are the photos that go with the previous post.

Firstly, Waffle Socks! I highly recommend these guys. I knitted them knee-length and they’re delicious. They’re knit in DK too, so it knits up pretty quickly.

Waffle socks

Next up is Hermione Stripey McRainbowpants v2.0. I still think I’m a little bit insane for knitting each of my Hermione sweaters twice. Maybe this is an indication that I should start swatching.

Hermione Stripey McRainbowpants

Then there is Demi, which currently looks far more interesting than it does in this photo, as I’ve worked about 40 rows since taking it.


Terrible photo but here is proof that Beatnik is 99% finished!! It’s been pinned like that and drying for two days so maybe tonight I can seam the sleeves together! Yee!


Link heavy

I was so good this weekend, I kind of feel like I deserve a medal. Or a shopping spree at mryarn.com (I’m only half kidding).

First of all, I finished Beatnik! Finally! It’s currently pinned to my carpet drying at the rate of a snail’s crawl. I haven’t attached the sleeves yet because they came out a bit too tight so I stretched them out like crazy and I’m hoping it’ll loosen them up a bit so I won’t have to re-knit them.

Then I also finished my Waffle socks! They’re so cozy looking I want to just curl up in bed with a mug of hot cocoa and pet them. Except then I would probably fall asleep and spill hot cocoa all over them and me and that’s just not pleasant.

I also started two projects over the weekend that are making me squee with glee. One is a Hermione Stripey McRainbowpants v2.0. I made one a few months ago but as I mentioned previously, it was before I understood the concept of gauge and therefore it came out far too small. Plus the gray was too dark and I also hadn’t mastered the concept of mixing fibers and therefore I was using cotton for two of the stripes and it just turned out too shiny compared to all of the wool.

Second is what is turning out to be my favoritest project ever, except the “tbl”‘s. Those are driving me insane and if I get arthritis one day I’m placing all of the blame on this project. I reaaally wanted to knit Kim Hargreaves’ Demi after seeing the gorgeous one Mags made, but I couldn’t justify spending $30 on a pattern book when there was only one pattern I liked in it (ok, I might probably knit Aimee too).

Anyway, I had a Jo-ann coupon that was about to expire and I happened to be wandering through Jo-ann (*innocentstare*) and a skein of Lion Brand Fisherman wool happened to fall into my hands and somehow went home with me.

PS I love this yarn.

The only thing is that I’m about 25 rows into the pattern (holysmallcharts) and I can’t decide if I should frog it and make the XS instead of the S. I have kind of an annoying figure for knitting projects (long torso/arms, tiny waist, D-cup breasticles). I don’t want to look like a hobo in this sweater but I also want to avoid pornographic chest cabling.

Andd on that note, back to work. I miss the weekend already.

Finished Project: Aidez


Pattern: Aidez by Cirilia Rose
Yarn: Lion Brand Chunky in Wheat, 6 skeins (I think)
Started: April 22, 2011
Finished: May 12, 2011

Ravelry page

I’m pretty terrible at posting photos of FO’s, I know.

This sweater was my I’m-tired-of-staring-at-forest-green-and-doing-one-kind-of-cable-until-my-eyes-and-fingers-are-bleeding-simultaneously project whilst I was scrambling to finish Boyfriend’s birthday present on time. I wanted something interesting without being too complicated to be a side project, but also something quick. Why I didn’t choose a hat or mittens or even socks is beyond me.


It’s a little thicker than I thought it was going to be, but I think that will end up being a good thing when I move to the Boston, or as I’ve been referring to it, the Land of Ice and Snow.

My only gripe with this pattern is that the designer made an error with the lattice cabling in the back, and made the chart/directions in the pattern match her mistake. She points it out clearly in the photo but I would’ve liked another mention of it in the directions as you begin the lattice work. Maybe a huge red “THIS IS INCORRECT” next to the row in question so I wouldn’t have ended up ripping out eight inches of cabling because I didn’t realize I was recreating her mistake.


I love when sweaters look tons more complicated than they actually are.


Call me weird but yesterday I came home from work and immediately developed a huge craving for oranges. I peeled a bunch of clementines and broke the sections apart and stuck them in the fridge for a bit. I guess I won’t be getting scurvy anytime soon.

In other news, it’s my weekend!

I was so excited about finally getting to the color-work portion of Little Birds that I somehow got through a whole pattern repeat last night. This sweater is actually coming along pretty quickly now that the ribbing is done.

I’m a little rusty on colorwork so the birds aren’t as pretty as everyone else’s pictures on Ravelry. Or maybe it’s just the fact that I keep holding it two centimeters from my nose and inspecting it for mistakes.
Little birds
Aren’t they cute though??

Little Birds

I should also mention that I have absolutely no idea if I’m doing this right. I’m also terrified of the steaking part but we’ll cross that bridge in about four bird rows.

I might take a break from this in a bit to work on Beatnik because it’s been neglected for at least a week now.

Lastly, I’m pretty sure I’ve been spelling Ysolda Teague’s name incorrectly (with an “I”) up until today.


Little Birds ribbing

I have a feeling this sweater is going to sneak up on me.

With my current work schedule I’m mostly brain dead by the time I get home, so when I sink onto my bed, turn on Lost, and pick up my knitting, I’m mostly zoned out. It’s only the ribbing, anyway. I stop every half hour or so just to make sure I haven’t gone over the number of rows before the next buttonhole but other than that I don’t even register most of what I’m doing.

So I was kind of surprised when I actually looked at it last night and realized I’m more than halfway finished with the ribbing. I still had that “I just started and it’s going to take forever to finish” feeling.

Now, it’s more like, “I’m almost at the birds!” -twitch twitch-

In other news, last night when I was pulling more yarn from the skein, I noticed that I was down to the middly bit where the yarn starts looking small and wrinkly. For some reason this was amusing and worth photographing.

Little Birds yarn