Ping copies Sarah’s Skaterfrew




dress: self-made, patterns here & here // shoes: Swedish Hasbeens // belt: thrifted // headband: F21

First of all, I absolutely loved hearing about everybody’s WIPs and it’s SO nice to know I’m not the only one with the attention span of a goldfish when it comes to unfinished projects. I’m thinking of making this a regular thing. I think every few weeks or so I’ll pick four things to finish in a set amount of time. If anyone wants to join me, feel free! Conquer all the WIP piles!

Anddd onto this lovely dress. If you haven’t seen Sarah’s Skaterfrew over on Katy & Laney you should probably go check it out immediately. I was already eyeing the Renfrew pattern but her dress version totally pushed me over the fence.

I’m going to have to steal Sonja’s term here because this one absolutely falls in the realm of secret pajamas. Full disclosure though, luckily you can’t tell because of the drapey collar, but I totally underestimated how much fabric I’d need (to be fair Sarah totally warned me). I’d forgotten (again!) that you have to cut out two collar pieces, both cut on the fold. Whoops. I was about an inch short on either side but I somehow made it work.

I’m definitely going to make a few more of these though! It’s perfect for those days when all you want to do is lie in bed all day imitating a slug but things like ‘sponsatilities and adulthood make you go to work.

WIP confessions

One of my ongoing goals for basically forever has been to be better at finishing my current projects before moving onto the next newer and shinier project. (Probably I should spend less time on Pinterest.)

So this is my latest attempt at kicking myself in the pants. I picked four works in progress (because I have many many more than four lying around but I’m starting small) that I’m going to aim to finish in the next two weeks. If you don’t see these guys blogged in the next month, feel free to shame me.

Polka dot Elisalex
Dotted Elisalex
The only reason I haven’t finished this dress is because I sewed the skirt on before I checked the darts and it was far too wide at the waist, but the prospect of unpicking eight inches of seams was too much for my lazy brain.

Vintage Simplicity 3100
vintage pattern
This dress currently has quite a few issues, all of which are my fault for only sort of skimming the instructions. First of all, the bodice front buttons up, but I didn’t want the buttons to extend to the skirt, except that I forgot to leave a side or back open for a zipper so there is some tweaking that needs to be done. I also didn’t like how I attached the vertical strips on the bodice so I need to reattach them in a prettier way. I’m also contemplating redoing the sleeve cuffs in white.

Dotted Archer
Polka dot Archer
I literally have no excuse on this one. Months ago when I started it, I was zipping along and was nearly finished when I made a stupid mistake. I was too lazy to fix it, but I remember it being not a big deal fix. Except today when I went back to look and to possibly continue with it, I couldn’t for the life of me figure out what I thought I’d done wrong. Gah!

Birthday dress
Birthday dress 2014Anddd this is probably my absolute favorite thing I’ve worked on in a while. In the interest of picking up more intensive projects, I decided to make a beaded dress to wear for my birthday which is next week and which I’m still totally in denial about, other than the planning what to wear part. I’m just keeping my fingers crossed that I don’t completely screw it up since I haven’t gotten to the hard part yet.

Wish me luck! And do share what projects you have lurking in closets and under beds being ignored. It’ll make me feel better.

A wearable hug

Anthro cowlneck

Anthro cowlneck

Anthro cowlnecksweater: self-made, pattern here // pants: Paige denim // glasses: Bonlook // boots: Boutique 9 // headband: Modcloth

I made this sweater ages ago, loved it until it was finished, blocked it, and then hated how it turned out and never wore it. It’s lived in one of those Ikea underbed storage boxes ever since.

I pulled it out again recently and I can’t remember why I hated it so much. It’s super cozy, it’s basically like wearing a hug, and as an added bonus, no long sleeves to get in the way!

Anyway, I love this pattern and I think my former ambivalence toward the finished garment is moreso a reflection of my belief that I can’t pull off this shape. That and the sleeves turned out a little weird after blocking. The pattern itself is based on this Anthropologie sweater and I think the designer did an incredible job matching the original! The only thing that’s different is the cowl: the original has a horizontal cable thingy that looks slightly complicated and honestly kind of odd.

On an unrelated note, is anyone else sewing up an Albion for the Colette sewalong? I’m sooo behind.

PS Thanks for all the well-wishes! I’m finally completely free of the clutches of the plague of doom.

Really really stressful Sunday

long pond

long pond
Pattern is Jane by Jane Richmond.

I have several finished sewing projects I’ve been wanting to post but I got my ass kicked by a nasty cold last week and I’m still recovering a bit. In the meantime, I’ve been doing a lot of lying in bed and knitting with Harry Potter on audiobook running.

On the bright side, my Stonecutter is nearly done!! I have it half-seamed and just need to add a neckband and then block it. Yee!

Currently, I’m at my roommate’s parents house in Plymouth having a very stressful time relaxing and knitting in various cozy chairs with a lovely winter wonderland scene outside. It’s totally horrible. *hee*

I hope everyone’s staying warm and dry! Hopefully I’ll have some outfit photos up this week.

(My roommate Katie would like to say hello to everyone.)


Pink Renfrew

Pink Renfrew

Pink Renfrew

Pink Renfrewtop: self-made, pattern here // skirt: self-made, tutorial here // coat: Anthropologie // belt: Modcloth // boots: Boutique 9 // tights: Chinese Laundry

I have a bit of a tendency to go a little crazy when I discover a pattern I like. It’s how I ended up with six Daturas and six Archers. Not to mention four Darling Ranges and three Belladones. And the bajillion S1873s and B7739s.

The point is, I think Renfrew is next.

In other news, that sickness that has been going around finally found me. I’ll be in bed snuggling tissues and Nyquil.

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