Category Archives: life

Rambly housekeeping



Hello! I’m a bit loopy so I apologize if I ramble or don’t make sense. I went home to California for the week and just flew back on a red eye last night. I got in around 8am, slept until 1pm (whoops), and spent the day being the laziest bum ever. Getting up at 8am to go to work tomorrow is going to be interesting.

A couple of things:

1) Being reunited with my laptop is awesome. *strokestroke*

2) Some of you sent me photos of projects to be entered in the Copycat Challenge. Those should all be up now! It’s so awesome seeing what everyone has come up with. Keep them coming! (If you don’t see yours up, shoot us an email and we’ll post it asap.)

3) I’ve got some fun photos to share! I intentionally only brought my 50mm lens home so it would force me to practice using it properly and it’s gotten a lot easier! Seester and I had some fun photo sessions that I’ll share once I get the 600 photos we took (yikes!) organized and edited.

4) Home was fun! I’m a little sad to be back. We managed to squeeze a lot in a week and even had time to spend multiple days lounging in bed in pjs watching hours and hours of Torchwood. (Have you seen it?? I’m a little bit obsessed. Ok, a lot. In my defense: John Barrowman.)

And now I have to go be a productive person and get ready for the week. Or.. go to bed and deal with it in the morning. :]

Indoor garden v2.0




Two summers ago I bought some plants in late September at a local farmers market and brought them home, super excited about the prospect of fresh herbs. Except then winter happened, I went home for a few weeks, yada yada. Basically, they died and I was sad.

I went to the same farmers market this weekend and came home with two strawberry plants and a mint plant.

*fingers crossed*

Lookit the baby strawberries!

A few things

in progress

1. I’m squeeing like a fangirl over this, but if you didn’t see, my Katniss dress was featured on Megan Nielsen’s blog yesterday! So much happy going on over here. :]

2. I think I had started learning to sew normal wearable in public clothes sometime around mid-May last year because I remember seeing “Me Made May” all over the interwebs but not really knowing what it was until it was mostly over. This year I signed up!

I, Ping of Peneloping, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May ’13. I endeavour to wear at least one self-made item of garment each day for the duration of May 2013. I also pledge to finish my hefty pile of non-costume-related UFOs and to make at least one dress a week.

I broke up with a lovely blue lace semi-backless dress that gave me all kinds of heartache last summer but it’s been a year and we’ve grown and I think maybe it’s time to reconcile. There’s also a chiffon dress (pictured above) that I’m pretty sure I ignored for a while because I made the bust too small but luckily I managed to stay (mostly) on track with lifting and eating clean all year and lost two bra sizes so it should fit now! And then there’s the dress that just needs its buttonholes sewn and a cord belt made. And a Kelly skirt that needs buttonholes and hemming. Ooh and a lilac checkered dress that I can’t even remember why I broke up with. And lastly a heinous 90s dress that I have plans to beautify.

3. One huge paper due this afternoon, one behemoth paper due next Monday, and then one last mini-final exam on the 13th and I’m officially done with most of the academic part of grad school! There is the pesky little dissertation-esque portion but I’m choosing to ignore that until September.

4. I was just mentally going through my wardrobe and planning out the first week of Me Made May when I realized that some days I don’t change out of pajamas (usually Fridays. And sometimes Sundays.). And then I was really thankful that I’ve made a few pajama bottoms. Does that defeat the purpose? hee.

Boston :(

Hi guys, just wanted to check in really quick and let everyone I’m ok! I had several posts planned for this week but obviously with everything going on here in Boston that got pushed back.

I still can’t believe any of this is happening. I live about a mile away from the finish line and was literally about to leave my apartment when my roommate told me what had happened. Boyfriend and I were supposed to meet up there a few hours earlier but silly me took forever getting ready so luckily we weren’t there when it happened.

If you haven’t heard, they just caught the second suspect so everyone here is breathing a sigh of relief. It’s been kind of a scary day due to the lock down and not really knowing what’s going on but thank god it’s over.

I hope any of you in Boston (and Texas!) are safe and sound. And if anyone needs a laugh, this is pretty funny.


It’s late, I’m tired


Thanks so much for all the birthday wishes, you guys are the best!

I knew that I wasn’t going to be up for anything terribly exciting on a Tuesday night after class so I decided it’d be fun to do what we do every Tuesday night, which is to nerd out at a bar.

It was pretty awesome. I brought my camera with my vintage 50mm lens to play with and I’m pretty impressed! I’m still absolutely terrible at holding it still but to be fair it was 10pm and super dark and some of the photos still managed to look like they were taken at high noon. I need to start using this lens for outfit photos!


On a completely separate subject, I’ve been wanting a new camera bag lately and since my bank account weeps every time I visit Kelly Moore or Jo Totes, I decided to go the DIY route again like last time. My last bag was great and I love it, but the new camera is really just too big for it. Plus I always hated that I didn’t think to get a bag that had a zip closure on top to protect gear from the elements. And it literally just fits the camera and one lens and possibly a set of keys. Possibly.

This new bag is all kinds of amazing. It’s absolutely huge but still usable as a purse, it zips across the top, and it has a front pocket! I’m so excited to be able to take my camera with me everywhere! Plus how adorable is the carpetbaggy print?? I ruv. Now, what color to make the inserts..?

new camera bag!

I also finally got my paws on this lovely pattern! I’m convinced that once I start making exclusively spring-appropriate clothing, the weather will take a hint. I can’t wait to get started, I already have so many ideas!

belladone pattern

I’m pretty exhausted today for no apparent reason, so tonight is just lounging in Boyfriend’s sweatpants watching old episodes of Gilmore Girls.

Don’t judge me. I hate myself for it. I blame Alexis Bledel’s eyes.