Tag Archives: yarn

Slightly obsessed

Yesterday I was introduced to the fact that I am probably more obsessed with yarn and knitting than I had realized.

During the day I took* my roommate to Windsor Button to oggle at the pretty yarns. She wanted some yarn for a sweater project and I needed yarn for Christmas presents and size 6 needles**.

Also this skein of Berocco alpaca looked like it really needed a home and I was too mesmerized to say no. I think it’s going to be Rae #2.


After we got home, I cast on my first Rae and worked on that for a bit.

Then it was time to head over to the Brookline Booksmith where the Yarn Harlot was doing a book signing for her new book! Oh my lord, that woman is even more hilarious in person. I nearly peed myself twice.

I also loved that nearly everyone brought a knitting project along and the whole room was knitting along while she read from her book. One woman even had a drop spindle and was making some gorgeous fall-colored yarn!

Afterward as we were leaving, it occurred to me that I had laughed at every joke and could identify with every anecdote she told. I only started knitting ten months ago. Before that it was a totally boring skill that I knew the basics of but could never be bothered to participate in. And now I have a yarn-purchasing compulsion, 284 projects waiting in my Ravelry queue, spend more time on Ravelry than I do on Facebook, and I secretly can’t wait for my friends to start popping out babies so I can knit teeny tiny baby things.

When did this happen??

*Saying “took” makes it sound like it was totally for her. A more accurate description would be that I dragged her along and made her wait for ten minutes while I agonized over two shades of Berroco alpaca.

**Can I just take a moment to express my surprise that I didn’t have this size already in any form of knitting needles??

Breaking the rules

Things I’m supposed to be doing, in no particular order:

-Knitting things with the metric ass-ton of yarn I bought a few weeks ago

-Finishing any of the many projects I’ve already started

-Christmas knitting

-Eating healthy things

-Working on my paper

Things I did yesterday instead:

-Bought pastries

-Didn’t work on paper

-Bought more yarn

-Started new knitting projects
Clearly, I need a time-out.

In my defense, lookit the pretty!! I’m thinking it’s going to be a Rae.


Apparently there is no such thing as “enough” yarn.

Oh, hello there!

I could start off with an excuse about how busy grad school has been and how I just haven’t had the time to post, but that would only be half true. Apparently when I bought all of that yarn I forgot to account for the fact that I would immediately start every project and ignore every other aspect of life. My mistake.

In any case, I now have tons to post and will hopefully be less of a lazy blogger. Hopefully.

In other news, my friend came to visit for the weekend and I may have dragged her along to a delightful yarn shop I discovered near my apartment. She needed some yarn for Christmas presents and I may have come up with several excuses (that I can no longer recall) for why I needed to buy more yarn.

They had a ton of Madelinetosh that I wanted to crawl in bed with, along with some gorgeous multicolored skeins of a brand I didn’t recognize (and currently can’t remember the name of). I’ve always had a bit of a love-hate relationship with yarns like that. They’ve absolutely beautiful on the skein but I never like how they look knitted because they colors mesh together and it never looks as pretty as they did before. Sad.

I came away with this:

Suri surprise

60% alpaca and 40% merino wool. I’m drooling just looking at them. I’ve started projects with both of them (seriously, it was impossible to resist. I dare you to try.) and they’re SO lovely to pet knit with.

Project photos coming up!