Tag Archives: socks

Sock Frenzy

For someone who hates to wear socks, I’ve developed quite the unnatural obsession with knitting them. Last week I made one Easy Peasy sock just to get a better grip on sock construction before trying the fancy stuff, and then finished one reindeer sock before deciding that my yarn is too thick and the whole sock is too big. Whoops. Oh well, I’m too in love with the pattern to care too much.

This weekend I’ve been playing with Socks a la Carte 2! And this morning I even went to the library to pick up two other goodies that are going to keep me busy for a while:


Seriously, I don’t know what’s wrong with me. Anyone who knows me knows I hate wearing socks. I’ve been known to go through entire winters wearing nothing but flipflops (albeit this was when I lived in San Diego and could get away with that) just to avoid having to wear socks with real shoes.

I’ve already flipped through and found at least six patterns I want to do in the Joy of Sox book, and I pretty much want to knit everything Cookie A has ever designed.

But have I mentioned how cool Socks a la Carte is?? It’s like one of those animal flip books for kids where you put different animal heads with different bodies and feet, except with socks. I’m doing the Ripples n’ Waves body with the standard toe and origami heel*. Haven’t decided on a cuff yet.


*Sidenote: If you’re knitting from this book and haven’t already, check the website for errata on the origami heel or you’ll probably end up spending two hours cursing and muttering to yourself about toe up heel construction and why it’s an evil evil conspiracy.

Note to self: sskWLS does not equal SSK.

Anyway, this is how far I’ve gotten:


You can see in the middle photo where I got bored and decided to cast on the other sock. This pattern is kind of ridiculously easy, almost to the point of being slightly boring. I thought I’d change it up. It’s not helping that Cookie A’s cabley awesomeness are sitting there taunting me.