Things that make me want to rip out my hair:
– I promised my sister I would start Jillian Michaels’ 30 Day Shred today. I tried the ab toning one a few months ago and got through about twelve minutes. Haven’t worked out since, that’s how torturous it was. That lady is evil.
– I have a horrendous paper due tomorrow. It should be really easy but for some reason I’m having all sorts of trouble with it. Gah.
– I also have a presentation to give on Wednesday, two group projects due on the 23rd, and a paper due on the 30th. We’re not even going to peek into what I have due in the first nine days of May.
– I made a dress but the fabric is too thick and now it’s sitting funny. Gah.
– I made another dress and the fabric is possibly too thin and I’m afraid it’ll be see-through.
Things that make me smile inside:
– I got through a Jillian Michaels workout! Granted, I didn’t use weights because I don’t have any yet.. But still!
– I’m going to France in 84 days!
– I know I’m way behind the ball on this one but I’m really obsessed with Swedish Hasbeens.
– I’m considering taking a photography class.
– Boyfriend and I are going to his roomie’s family’s lake house next weekend!
– The two dresses I made are super cute!
– My hair is ridiculously long. I lurve it. I’ve been trimming it every few weeks but I’m determined to grow it to even more ridiculous proportions so I can dress up as a proper elf when the Hobbit comes out. (Yes, I am a huge nerd.)
– My camera. It’s just full of squees.
– I have a place to live next year!
And just because I have no interesting photos to share, here’s a one of me and Lyds out last week before school got crazy.