Tag Archives: life

When Big Kids Wear Warm Knitted Things

It occurred to me yesterday that the title of my blog is “When Big Kids Play Dress-up” and yet there’s hardly anything costume-related in here.

I’ve been sewing since I was about fourteen. I had gone to see Lord of the Rings with a friend and came home having decided to be Arwen when I grew up. Since then it’s grown increasingly dangerous for me to watch any sort of sci-fi/fantasy movies/tv shows because I will inevitably end up at the nearest fabric store picking out fabrics and notions so I can run home and recreate my favorite costumes whilst my bank account shrieks in pain.

In fact, I started this blog as a place to showcase and write about costuming adventures. Except then I learned to knit and since then pretty much everything has been about knitting projects. Whoops.

The point of all this rambling is, I’m going to have to remedy this. So expect some costumey-related posts in the near future.

Progress Report

Laminaria: 50%, just started the last Star Chart repeat and then it’s on to the edging 75%! Halfway through Edging Chart #1


Rae #2: 30%, I think I’m  somewhere around 50-something stitches


Papers written: 3 of 4

I’d say we’re doing pretty well.

Oh, except:

Halloween costumes made: zero


More pretties

Technically I’m not supposed to be buying anymore yarn but rules are meant to be broken so I went and bought two gorgeous skeins today.

First there’s this little guy.


I was halfway through Edge Chart #1 of Laminaria when I both screwed up royally (and still cannot figure out for the life of me where I mess up) and decided that the yarn I was using was too thick to compliment the lace pattern. I haven’t frogged it yet but I did buy a gorgeous skein of Malabrigo Lace in Emerald to make myself feel better.

I also came home with this gorgeous skein of Cascade fingering. It’s almost like a dark periwinkle. *petpet* I’ve already cast on my second Rae for the KAL!


And lastly, I finally bought a button for my Morning Walk Headband! I haven’t sewn it on yet but I knew I wanted a non-boring wooden button and this one totally fits the bill.


Yes, I do still have three papers due this week. Yes, I did procrastinate all day. In my defense, once I stopped procrastinating I totally finished one of three papers. I think I deserve a new skein for each paper I finish. #dangerousterritory


I may have mentioned that I was going to be spending this weekend moving. Holy crap, it took ages.

First we had to take my bed apart and move it over to Boyfriend’s grandma’s house, take hers apart and move it out, and move mine in and set it up. Then we moved everything out of my studio and cleaned the whole thing, drove separately down to the Mum’s house half an hour away, and move stuff back in. There may have been a nap squeezed in there somewhere.

Holy crap though, it’s so nice to wake up whenever the hell I want and do nothing all day. I’ve been bonding with my Nook in the sun today and I’m already a few shades darker (YAY no more fog-dweller paleness).

Anyway, the point is, I’m about 75% done with Little Birds but I’ve been neglecting it dreadfully so I don’t really have pictures to post. But! I have time now so pictures will be coming soon. I really want to do a nice fitted cardigan but I can’t decide which. Right now I’m leaning toward the orangey Jane Richmond one that I can’t remember the name of. I also can’t wait for the pattern for the brown Ron sweater to be released. Boyfriend’s totally getting that for Christmas. I think I’m also going to try to finish those cozy booties too although 85 degree weather isn’t doing much to inspire an onpour of knitwear projects..

Fun fact: I’m going to Vegas in a week!