dress: Dear Creatures // top: Ross // tights: Modcloth // boots: Boutique 9 // scarf: thrifted
You know that feeling when you’re craving a season that still at least five months away and clothing more suited to that season starts jumping out at you from your closet and you briefly consider dressing for that weather in the hopes that that weather will magically appear but you end up having to choke back sobs as you put those clothes back in storage for five months?
Well, this isn’t quite like that. But almost.
I bought myself a birthday present from Emerging Thoughts a few weeks ago and they happened to be offering grab bags so I snagged one. Somehow, magically, one of the items they sent me was a dress I had been eyeballing last summer! Except it really is a summer dress and we’ve had two weeks of pretty steady snow.
After I was done squee-ing, I hung it up and stared at it, petting it occasionally, and thought of all the different outfits I would make with it once summer rolled around.
And then I became annoyed. I have a brand new gorgeous dress by my absolute favorite designer. Why should I have to wait to wear it? Did I mention it has pockets??
So I decided to attempt to winter-ify it. Because expecting a person to wait months to wear a brand new Dear Creatures dress is just nonsense.