My weekend goes from wednesday to friday.

My current work schedule allows me one entire day off, and my work week runs from Saturday to Tuesday. It’s interesting, to say the least. The point of that otherwise useless statement is that I get to spend all evening working on my current project: Elizabeth Swann’s wedding dress! Cue excitement.

I just bought some lovely champagne colored acrylic paint that I’m going to use on the gold leaf trim that I bought to tone down the shade before I sew it onto the sides of the dress. For the little fan-shaped flower oddities I’m going to use some raffia straw I bought from I know I bought the fabric and leaf trim on ebay but as it’s been years since I started this project, I can’t remember the names of the sellers.

I’m nearly done with the stomacher too! My first version of it looked like a lovely piece of satin with chocolate chip cookies pasted to it. I had cut out small circles of muslin, which I twirled cord onto and sewed down. I ended up having to put a layer of pseudo-English lace fabric over it and then sewing the pearls on top of that. I’m also using a thin ribbon folded into loops for the leafy detail surrounding each “cookie.”

Anyway, here is a progress photo. Apologies for the poor quality. Neither of my cameras wants to work right now so I had to hold my Mac up awkwardly and take a photo with Photo Booth.

I have a website again!

Ohai! I had a website about three years ago but it was cheesy and disorganized and only half a step up from a geocities site. Since I finally got a Mac, I decided my excuses for not putting one together again were dwindling. It could also have something to do with the fact that I just started another sweet project that I want to squee about and show off. Maybe. This site is obviously very much under construction. I have a million costumes that I actually have photos of already and need to organize into iWeb’s dandy little album function. Ideally, I’ll be making a section for completed costumes, a set of albums for photoshoots and fun stuff, and then this blog-ish section for all of my ramblings. And I should warn you, I do ramble.

I have a website again!

Ohai! I had a website about three years ago but it was cheesy and disorganized and only half a step up from a geocities site. Since I finally got a Mac, I decided my excuses for not putting one together again were dwindling. It could also have something to do with the fact that I just started another sweet project that I want to squee about and show off. Maybe. This site is obviously very much under construction. I have a million costumes that I actually have photos of already and need to organize into iWeb’s dandy little album function. Ideally, I’ll be making a section for completed costumes, a set of albums for photoshoots and fun stuff, and then this blog-ish section for all of my ramblings. And I should warn you, I do ramble.

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