
Call me weird but yesterday I came home from work and immediately developed a huge craving for oranges. I peeled a bunch of clementines and broke the sections apart and stuck them in the fridge for a bit. I guess I won’t be getting scurvy anytime soon.

In other news, it’s my weekend!

I was so excited about finally getting to the color-work portion of Little Birds that I somehow got through a whole pattern repeat last night. This sweater is actually coming along pretty quickly now that the ribbing is done.

I’m a little rusty on colorwork so the birds aren’t as pretty as everyone else’s pictures on Ravelry. Or maybe it’s just the fact that I keep holding it two centimeters from my nose and inspecting it for mistakes.
Little birds
Aren’t they cute though??

Little Birds

I should also mention that I have absolutely no idea if I’m doing this right. I’m also terrified of the steaking part but we’ll cross that bridge in about four bird rows.

I might take a break from this in a bit to work on Beatnik because it’s been neglected for at least a week now.

Lastly, I’m pretty sure I’ve been spelling Ysolda Teague’s name incorrectly (with an “I”) up until today.

Sometimes I’m really stupid.

Little Birds in purse

I have a confession to make.

For the past week, I’ve been bringing my knitting along with me to work so that I can have something to do on the 25 minute subway trip.

And for the past week, I’ve marched over to the subway stop, all excited for pre-work happy knitting times to start the day, until I step on the subway, sit down, and decide that there are too many people who would look at me funny and that I’m just too self-conscious to pull out my knitting.

Cue 25 minutes of playing Cribbage on my phone and telling myself that card games are better than yarns anyway.

Stupid, right?

Well, today I decided to stop being stupid. I slid into an empty seat, glanced around and noticed that everyone was staring blankly into space with huge Monday bags under their eyes, and whipped out my knitting project and clicked away for 25 minutes.

Of course, this sudden burst of confidence could also be explained by the large portly man who sat next to me, essentially blocking me from everyone’s view. 🙂


Little Birds ribbing

I have a feeling this sweater is going to sneak up on me.

With my current work schedule I’m mostly brain dead by the time I get home, so when I sink onto my bed, turn on Lost, and pick up my knitting, I’m mostly zoned out. It’s only the ribbing, anyway. I stop every half hour or so just to make sure I haven’t gone over the number of rows before the next buttonhole but other than that I don’t even register most of what I’m doing.

So I was kind of surprised when I actually looked at it last night and realized I’m more than halfway finished with the ribbing. I still had that “I just started and it’s going to take forever to finish” feeling.

Now, it’s more like, “I’m almost at the birds!” -twitch twitch-

In other news, last night when I was pulling more yarn from the skein, I noticed that I was down to the middly bit where the yarn starts looking small and wrinkly. For some reason this was amusing and worth photographing.

Little Birds yarn



I find it entertaining that while most people’s phone galleries contain photos of pets, infants of relatives, food, kissing pictures, cocktails, and random funny signs, the majority of the pictures on my phone are snapshots of the “tools required” section of knitting patterns.

This whole knitting obsession really only started about three months ago, so my collection of needles is sadly sparse, especially since I was yoinking from my mom’s collection, which I had to leave behind when I moved out. So every time I start a new pattern I pretty much have to run to the store and grab the proper needles.

I know, I could just make a list. But then I’d get to the aisle with the needles and think, “Those can’t be right! They’re practically microscopic*! I must’ve written it down wrong.” And then I’d wish I had the pattern with me.

It’s just easier this way.

But right now there are so many little pattern snippets in my phone that it’s pretty hilarious to flip through.

Hmm maybe this is an excuse to invest in a set of nice knitting needles of varying sizes!


*Seriously, does anyone else think US size 1 needles are adorable? Especially in DPN form?

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