Category Archives: thoughts

For fun, a list!

– I’ve started plotting out Christmas pressies. I know, it’s six months away, but I realized that I’d kept making mental notes of certain knits that I wanted to make for certain people, and rather than drive myself crazy and break all of my fingers in November, I figured it would be smarter to spread them out and start ridiculously early. I made a preliminary list yesterday and already have present ideas set aside for fifteen people. Yikes.

– Have I mentioned how much I love getting things in the mail? I’m currently awaiting a laundry hamper from (my old one perished nearly six months ago and I’ve been employing a “laundry corner”, ie pile, aka huge mess), caviar and foie gras from (my year abroad in France spoiled me in a way that makes my bank account cringe), and Socks a la Carte which I’m super excited to knit from!

– I feel sort of in limbo because I don’t have a “main” project right now. I have a list of side projects but they’re all either missing some element that I need to obtain before I can continue or they’re just not what I feel like doing right now. I’m hoping the sock book and the 20% off Jo-ann’s coupon sitting in my email inbox will fix this.

– Today’s my Friday! I’m so excited to sleep in it’s unreal. I’m not really sure when 9am started to count as “sleeping in.”

– I’m contemplating getting an ereader for textbooks when I go back to school in the fall. Anyone have experience with this? Or just experience with ereaders in general? Right now I’m debating between the touchscreen editions of the Nook and the Kobo. It’s a $10 price difference but I prefer the look of the Kobo. I’m studying psychology so the majority of my textbooks will be pure text so the fact that it’s black and white shouldn’t be an issue.

-Damask is finished!! Project page coming soon!

Sometimes I’m really stupid.

Little Birds in purse

I have a confession to make.

For the past week, I’ve been bringing my knitting along with me to work so that I can have something to do on the 25 minute subway trip.

And for the past week, I’ve marched over to the subway stop, all excited for pre-work happy knitting times to start the day, until I step on the subway, sit down, and decide that there are too many people who would look at me funny and that I’m just too self-conscious to pull out my knitting.

Cue 25 minutes of playing Cribbage on my phone and telling myself that card games are better than yarns anyway.

Stupid, right?

Well, today I decided to stop being stupid. I slid into an empty seat, glanced around and noticed that everyone was staring blankly into space with huge Monday bags under their eyes, and whipped out my knitting project and clicked away for 25 minutes.

Of course, this sudden burst of confidence could also be explained by the large portly man who sat next to me, essentially blocking me from everyone’s view. 🙂



I find it entertaining that while most people’s phone galleries contain photos of pets, infants of relatives, food, kissing pictures, cocktails, and random funny signs, the majority of the pictures on my phone are snapshots of the “tools required” section of knitting patterns.

This whole knitting obsession really only started about three months ago, so my collection of needles is sadly sparse, especially since I was yoinking from my mom’s collection, which I had to leave behind when I moved out. So every time I start a new pattern I pretty much have to run to the store and grab the proper needles.

I know, I could just make a list. But then I’d get to the aisle with the needles and think, “Those can’t be right! They’re practically microscopic*! I must’ve written it down wrong.” And then I’d wish I had the pattern with me.

It’s just easier this way.

But right now there are so many little pattern snippets in my phone that it’s pretty hilarious to flip through.

Hmm maybe this is an excuse to invest in a set of nice knitting needles of varying sizes!


*Seriously, does anyone else think US size 1 needles are adorable? Especially in DPN form?