Category Archives: life


Herb garden
From the left: parsley, mint, lavender, rosemary.

When I lived in San Diego I had an epic garden. I started out with the small stuff, just some herbs and a tomato plant. By the time I was through I had several tomatoes, eggplant, bell peppers, butternut squash, cayenne pepper, beans, strawberries, and a bay tree, and then an indoor herb garden of mint, green onion, rosemary, thyme, chives, basil, and chamomile.

Needless to say, now that I’ve finally moved somewhere I’m going to stay for more than six months, I’ve been pining to start a garden of sorts again.

I know absolutely nothing about gardening in New England. Actually, I know absolutely nothing about gardening outside of California, so this will be interesting.

In any case, it’s been four days and so far everyone’s still alive.

Apparently there is no such thing as “enough” yarn.

Oh, hello there!

I could start off with an excuse about how busy grad school has been and how I just haven’t had the time to post, but that would only be half true. Apparently when I bought all of that yarn I forgot to account for the fact that I would immediately start every project and ignore every other aspect of life. My mistake.

In any case, I now have tons to post and will hopefully be less of a lazy blogger. Hopefully.

In other news, my friend came to visit for the weekend and I may have dragged her along to a delightful yarn shop I discovered near my apartment. She needed some yarn for Christmas presents and I may have come up with several excuses (that I can no longer recall) for why I needed to buy more yarn.

They had a ton of Madelinetosh that I wanted to crawl in bed with, along with some gorgeous multicolored skeins of a brand I didn’t recognize (and currently can’t remember the name of). I’ve always had a bit of a love-hate relationship with yarns like that. They’ve absolutely beautiful on the skein but I never like how they look knitted because they colors mesh together and it never looks as pretty as they did before. Sad.

I came away with this:

Suri surprise

60% alpaca and 40% merino wool. I’m drooling just looking at them. I’ve started projects with both of them (seriously, it was impossible to resist. I dare you to try.) and they’re SO lovely to pet knit with.

Project photos coming up!

A real update!

I feel like I haven’t posted knitting photos (or any photos) in ages.

To start off, here is Georgia!


I had knitted the entire body before I realized that it was both too short and too wide (I have a really long torso and a small waist). So I started over. Luckily I’ve been moving and getting over jetlag and settling into school and whatnot so mindless stockinette has been about as complicated as I needed.

The first time around I had knit a size 36. The second time around I cast on a size 32 and then switched to 28 when putting the sleeve stitches aside. So far it’s a teeny bit tighter in the chest than I would like but it fits infinitely better than the 36 and I’m hoping blocking it will make it just a smidge looser. I also lengthened it so there are twelve buttons instead of ten.

I also finally took pictures of the Ghost Fambly duvet cover in action!

Ghost fambly duvet cover finished!

I think it turned out pretty awesome. I put an Ikea comforter in it and it’s so scrumptiously warm and delightly. I forgot to take pictures of the pearl button closures on the end of it. I think I need lace-trimmed throw pillows.

Access to a fully stocked kitchen and a fancy grocery store down the street means I’ve been cooking a bunch too! I’ve missed experimenting with recipes. Last week I made Irish stew. Yesterday I had a huge craving for these Brazilian cheese breads that Boyfriend’s grandma makes. So I read about two blog posts and six different recipes (plus the comments and reviews) and came up with something that came out pretty decent!

Cheese breads

Aren’t they cute? They’re made of tapioca flour and cheese so they’re kind of chewy and cheesey.

Anddd time to get back to knitting homework.

Moooving Part 2

Holy crap moving is exhausting!

I got into Boston super late Thursday night and have been staying with Boyfriend whilst I slowly move in.

No knitting to speak of, but I did spend Saturday buying out Ikea and today Boyfriend’s roommate drove us down to her parents’ house by a lake. We basically spent the afternoon hanging out on their boat and wakeboarding/tubing. Until we ran out of gas in the middle of the lake and had to swim back. Whoops.

I don’t really remember Friday. There was jetlag and wine.

I was all set to start school on Tuesday until I looked at my schedule and realized I don’t have class on Tuesdays. So I’ll be spending tomorrow and Tuesday attempting to build Ikea furniture and setting up my room!

And then maybe I’ll write a real update. I think I’m the most excited about the little shelfy thing I bought for yarns.