
Just thoughts today; I’m still at work.

-I can’t wait for the weekend. Don’t get me wrong, I love my job but I’m tired of being excited all day to go home and knit, only to get home and realize I’m too tired to do anything but stare stupidly at balls of yarn. Did I mention I’m not a morning person?

-I have 67 projects in my Ravelry queue. Only about 15-20 of those are things that just looked cool but that I’ll probably never make. I’m pretty sure that when I’m forty I’ll happen to look in the mirror one day and realize that I’ve become Mrs Weasley.

-The back side of Beatnik is done! I finished it last night and couldn’t decide whether to do sleeves or the front next, so I pulled out Little Birds instead.

-For some reason the longest hour at work is always lunch. I usually get here around 9:20am and the next time I look at a clock it’s always around 10:45am. And then time flies by to about 11:50am. And somehow 11:50am until 1pm just drags. Backward?

-I’m about 99% positive I’m moving to Boston in the fall, and having grown up in California, I think the idea of living somewhere where snow is a regular part of the year (zomg seasons!) is partially fueling this knitting obsession. I have a mental list of several projects I want to finish this summer before I move over there. On that note, I wonder what it’s like knitting with wool in the summer time.

-I get paid in ten days. OHAI knitpicks!

I miss my yarns.

Little Birds yarns

I don’t know about you but that photo makes me want to run home, light a fire, and curl up on the couch for hours and just knit.

I did get to spend a decent chunk of my Saturday working on the ribbing, but since I’ve only been using sport-weight and up for sweater projects, I’m not used to it taking so long. I don’t care though, I lurve this yarn. And the colors. And I can’t wait to get to the birds.

This is how far I got.
Little Birds

I’m having separation anxiety.

Finished Project: Hermione’s Fair Isle sweater

Hermione Fair Isle

Pattern: Of Hallows and Horcruxes by Megan Murray
Yarn: Knit Picks Wool of the Andes worsted weight in Lake Ice Heather, Arctic Pool Heather, White, and Mist
Started: February 22, 2011
Finished: March 4, 2011

Ravelry page

I know I’ve been promising to post pictures of this for ages, anddd here it is, finally!

I’m still so glad I decided to redo this sweater. The first version was definitely a learning experience but thinking back, I really had no idea what I was doing. I contemplating lining the hood on this one like the other one, but I really like it better as a thicker cardigan than as a fluffy heavy knitted coat, which is more of the effect I got with the lining.

Hermione Fair Isle

I am also contemplating redoing the sleeves, at least several inches up the arm. Right now they’re really wide and kind of shorter than I would like. For some reason I feel awkward about my wrists so I like being able to hide my hands up to where the fingers start. Plus, from looking at a lot of the movie stills, I noticed that in most of the scenes she has the sleeves folded down to normal sleeve length so I think they’re supposed to be ridiculously long.

Hermione Fair Isle

Not gonna lie, these are waist-up photos because I’m wearing tiny little running shorts. What can I say, it’s laundry day. 🙂

*edit* Yeah, I went back and did some ripping and made the sleeves extra long. Now it’s super cuddly.

I’ve been getting some questions about commissions. If you’re interested in knitting this sweater yourself, Megan Murray on Ravelry is selling a lovely multi-sized pattern on Ravelry for $5. Just follow the link on the top of the page.

If you’d like one knitted for you based on my set of haphazardly scribbled notes that can barely be called a pattern and therefore is not for sale, send me an email at wbkpd1@gmail.com with your chest size for a quote. Just remember that this is a full on sweater with a hood, which means it can get quite time consuming and therefore on the expensive side.


-Bullets because tired.

-I just finished day three of my new job and while I’m loving it, I’m also still adjusting to this grown-up sleep schedule.

-I have more yarns coming in from Knit Picks hopefully sometime next week!

-I’m still working on my Beatnik sweater (see previous post for link; as mentioned, am tired), but it’s going a lot slower now that I’m at work all day. Still amazed at how unwindingly relaxing it is to come home and snuggle up with some C6BP/RT’s.

-Note to self: start posting pictures of finished projects. Like, nice ones not taken with poorly aimed phone.



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